Internet and Broadband

By Wennie Chung

“Americans invented the Internet, but the Japanese are running away with it.” – Washington Post

Japan has the world’s fasted internet connections and is delivering more date at a lower cost than anywhere else. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) is the telephone company that dominates the telecommunication market in Japan, and is the largest telecommunications company in Asia.

Japan’n internet is always a few steps ahead of us. Their cable TV operators began offering their own broadband services during the late 1990s. NNT also planned a step-up process from dial-up, ISND, to fiber to the home. In 2004, Japan was already leading the world with it’s best ADSL performance. Around the same time, urban areas in Japan also had consistent internet speed. 90% of Japan were connected and had a fast and stable internet. Today, even rural areas of Japan have the internet speed that we desire.

Japan’s internet has allowed them to watch broadcast-quality, full-screen television over the Internet. For a country that doesn’t sleep when it comes to technology and communication, an internet speed like this is necessary. The Japanese rely on it’s internet very much, nothing doesn’t concerns the internet when it comes to the Japanese. They do their bankings, readings, entertainment source, and information all on the internet. Recently, Japan also brought healthcare online – where patients can go online at home and the doctors check them through webcam.

A recent research also has shown that Japan is the only country prepared to deliver the necessary quality for next generation web applications over the next three to five years thanks to it’s early commitment to investing in broadband. Japan is the only future-ready country.

3 responses to “Internet and Broadband

  1. jerrennl

    It is amazing that Japan is so much ahead of other countries in their technological advancements, especially their broadband connections. You would expect a country like Korea to be closer to it, but it looks like Korea has a lot to do to catch up.

  2. “Americans invented the Internet, but the Japanese are running away with it.”

    So true!! I’m envious about Japan’s internet and Broadband network. We have almost nothing like that here in Australia and our bandwidth is sooo much slower and underdeveloped. Makes me want to move to Japan just for its high internet speed. (among other things 8) )

  3. yep, Japan deserves its so-called name the country of technology and Japanese deserve to be complemented as people with far vision for they prepare so well for their next generation. However, it is a bit scary to think about the vital role of the internet in their lives as I know some Japanese with really isolated lifestyles. They have no real friends and lots of cyberfriends.

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